Who We Are

Our church is part of the North Central California Presbytery
and the Presbyterian Church USA

Peace is a unified body of believers where all are transformed by the Holy Spirit into people of joyful worship, students of the Holy Bible and bold disciples of Jesus Christ, proclaiming the Gospel while serving our community.

Our Mission as disciples of Jesus the Christ is to reach out to our community by sharing the message of God’s love and grace by inviting each person we meet to follow Jesus.

Core Values

Prioritize our relationships, with God and with one another by being faithful stewards, by loving God and loving one another through prayer and fellowship, by lovingly serving our church family creatively and compassionately.

Seek to inspire each person to actively encounter God’s presence through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Provide an encouraging and challenging environment that empowers and equips each of us to go out into the world rejoicing and serving Jesus as our Lord and Savior.

Encourage one another to worship and learn about the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit through biblically-based study and education opportunities that teach us how to be disciples of Jesus the Christ.

Seek to create mutually uplifting relationships with fellow believers, near and far, to further the work of God’s Kingdom.

Let’s build something together.